Daily News is an American newspaper founded in 1919 as the Illustrated Daily News by Joseph Medill Patterson. It was the first successful tabloid in the United States and grew to become one of the largest newspapers in the world at its peak circulation in 1947. The paper attracted readers with sensational coverage of crime and scandal, lurid photographs, and cartoons. In its early days the New York Daily News was strongly conservative in its editorial stance, supporting isolationism and a strong national military, but in later years the paper leaned more toward liberal politics.
In addition to its extensive city news coverage, the Daily News featured a celebrity gossip section, classified ads, comics and sports sections. The paper was also known for its extensive real estate listings and detailed property records, which included lawsuits, bankruptcies, divorce decrees, business licenses, tax liens, deeds, marriage licenses and corporate charters. The newspaper was the only publication in Memphis with such comprehensive real estate data, and it was a trusted source of information for local developers, builders, architects and attorneys.
The Daily News has a long history of supporting art and culture in Memphis, and the paper’s art column, “Arts & Leisure” was considered one of the top arts and entertainment sections in the nation. It is a primary sponsor of the Memphis Jazz Orchestra and has commissioned many renowned artists to create works for the paper’s pages.
Despite the loss of several local newspapers, many people are still committed to preserving journalism and creating alternatives to online news. As a result, new ways of covering and disseminating local news are emerging, including nonprofit digital startups and community websites. Some are even trying to revive traditional print media. The New York Times, for example, recently announced that it would resume printing in Brooklyn.
This article is part of a series produced by Pew Research Center on the state of the media in the United States. It is based on a broad survey of journalists and an extensive review of the available data about the industry. The project is part of the Center’s ongoing investigation into how the digital age has changed the way Americans get their news.
In the chart above, total circulation figures through 2012 come from Editor & Publisher and the trade group formerly known as the Newspaper Association of America (NAA). The Center’s estimates of revenue from 2013 onward are based on an analysis of financial statements from publicly traded U.S. newspaper companies and applied to the overall number of U.S. daily newspapers. The estimate of revenue for the five largest daily newspaper chains is based on their reported sales from subscriptions, advertising and other sources. The estimates for smaller chains are based on the Center’s research into publicly available data on those companies. The figures are adjusted for inflation each year. The research was compiled by Senior Researcher Michael Barthel and Research Assistant Kirsten Worden. Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. It is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts.